

Welcome to the Nekos API documentation! Here you can find documentation, guides, and references for the API. Although it may not seem easy at first, we will guide you through the whole API so that you become a pro at it. This guide was written aiming to beginners, so you dont't need to be an expert to use and understand it.

The API is completely open-source. You can find everything in the Nekos API GitHub repository, including these docs, the website, the API, and everything else.

If you're looking for Nekos API v2.7.0 docs, they're no longer available. That version of the API will be disabled on November 1st, 2023.

Copyright and Licenses

The API is 100% open-source. Everything can be found in our GitHub repository. The whole project is distributed under the MIT license, which basically allows commercial use, modification, distribution and private use while requiring you to distribute a copy of the license with your version of the code (this is not legal advice). The official license file can be found here.

Terms of Use

We do not have any legal document we can provide you with. You can find our guidelines here.


We do not require you to give us credit for anything when using the API. However, if your project uses the API it would be nice if you linked to our website in your project's description or specified somewhere that your project was made possible because of Nekos API. You can find different versions of our logo here.


We always welcome any kind of contributions! You can always fork our GitHub repository and make your code contributions, send your suggestions and feedback to our Discord server, report some missing or incorrect data (also at our Discord server), or make a donation through Ko-fi or with crypto at Coinbase Wallet.


The following users have contributed to the development of Nekos API:

You can open a ticket in our Discord server or DM any of the moderators if you'd like to make a contribution. All contributions are welcome!


Getting started

That's everything that you need to know (by now)! You can follow any of the links below, or go to the next page to get started!