Get Random Images

Get Random Images

This endpoint allows you to get x random images, filtering by tags, characters, artists, etc.

Endpoint Details

  • URL: /v3/images/random
  • Method: GET
  • Response: JSON


QueryratingArray of strings [safe, suggestive, borderline, explicit]The (age) rating of the image.No
Queryis_originalBooleanWhether the image's idea is original or it uses characters/settings/content from another place (not original).No
Queryis_screenshotBooleanWhether the image is a screenshot of an anime ep./manga page.No
Queryis_flaggedBooleanWhether the image is flagged by mods.No
Queryis_animatedBooleanWhether the image is animated or not. This'll become useful in the future when we add GIFs.No
QueryartistArray of integersThe artist's ID.No
QuerycharacterArray of integersThe character's ID.No
QuerytagArray of integersThe tag's ID.No
QuerylimitInteger [1..100]The amount of random images to getNo

Example Request
import requests
res = requests.get("")
data = res.json()